full kits also available as paper packs
Friday, March 28, 2008
Gotta Love the Prairies!
Who loves the prairies? I DO!! and i created this paper pack in colours that remind me of the bright coloured summer prairies, where the crops flower in the morning and shine gold all day. Where the skies are blue and the grasses are so green, where nature seems to be at one with people. I feel soooo calm in the prairies and i love spending time there, and working with the colours familiar throughout the prairies has been such a blast.
 And to go with it i created this little mini kit that you can snag for free right HERE!

 p.s. every word i write is my own oppinion no matter what the subject of the post. to see my disclosure policy scroll down and click the link at the bottom right. |
posted by Pamela Gibson @ 5:28 PM   |
Thanks Pamela! Love the colors!!!
Thanks honey! This rocks!! hope your well!!
What a fun set! Thanks so much
This is lovely - especially the cloud paper! Thank you for this very nice gift!
Thank you so much for sharing this beauty! JoAnn
Just love the frames!! Thanks for the great freebie!
Well, how pretty is that! Thanks!
(And I scrolled and love you canvas papers too!)
Oh, and I hear it's your birthday? Happy Birthday!
Can't wait to use the free kit! It's so cute! Thanks!
This is so cute! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Thanks a bunch! Here's what I did with this kit: http://bp2.blogger.com/_8csdYVF0qng/SEoDotaY9zI/AAAAAAAAGJM/o3brXHJ-zTo/s1600-h/KiteFun.jpg
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Thanks Pamela! Love the colors!!!